In this page they are picked up the signalings that come there for articles devoted to the Breeding "del Colle dell'Infinito" and his Boxers, published on specialized magazines of other Nations and for some videos, put in net, what concern our subjects, following we propose the links of it.



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The number of November 2010 of the Official magazine of the ENCI "I nostri CANI", it has devoted the cover to the Boxer Ch. Ippolito del Colle dell'Infinito (cover)

Boxer Show Zaporozhue (Ukraine) - 03/05/2007.
An article appeared on the Boxer Club's Ukraine magazine the are available in file .pdf, clicking on the following icon:
It's possible to visualize the interview released by Alessandro Tanoni appeared on a specialized Russian Boxer Magazine, in file .pdf, pressing on the following icon: . The translation in english language will be available to brief.

The history of the Breeding "del Colle dell'Infinito" on a specialized English magazine. The author of the article, Lesley R. Boyle and the Manager of the magazine are thanked for the shown interest.
Is possible to visualize the article, in file .pdf, click on the following icon:

Oliviero del Colle dell'Infinito introduced on a specialized Australian magazine. She be thanked Mrs. Hanneke Selinger of the breeding Blarny Boxers of Sidney (Australia).
Is possible to visualize the article, in file .pdf, click on the following icon:

Drawn by the number of December 2005 of the magazine English "Boxer Quarterly", an article appeared on the occasion of a Boxer-Show to which Alessandro Tanoni has been invited to express his own morphological judgment of the introduced subjects.
The author of the article and the Manager of the magazine are thanked for the shown interest.
Is possible to visualize the article, in file .pdf, click on the following icon:

ATIBox 1996 (Ch. Terzo del Colle dell'Infinito & Ch. David del Colle dell'Infinito)

Nordia del Colle dell'Infinito

David del Colle dell'Infinito

Expo Boxer Club Carpatia - 13.12.2008 - Alessandro Tanoni Judge (da 5' 43" a 6' 30")

Expo Boxer Club Carpatia - 13.12.2008 - Alessandro Tanoni Judge (3' 22")


Allevamento BOXER "del Colle dell'Infinito"
Via Addolorata, 64 - 62019 Recanati (MC) - Italia
Mobile: +39 336.632692; 39 336.333038; in English language: +39 333.3624114
Tel & Fax +39 071.980314;